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mardi 29 mars 2011

Informal Letter

                  Dear Léa,

I want to tell you thank you very much for this travel in United States!! I have passed very funny time with you and your friends!! The visiting, the walking, the party in nightclub!!!! oh my god it was amazing seriously!! I love your life and I hope that one day I'll live in USA too because it's my dream to live the american dream like many people!!
Tell thank you at your parents for me, tell them that I'm really happy to meet them and they are very cool!!!
I never forget this vacation and I see the photos all days!! I miss you Léa and I want to come again in your town or maybe you can come in my town for the next holidays?? It will be fantastic!!!!! Really!!!!! I love you, you aren't a person as other people!! You are very funny and you live your life like you want!!!
I miss you darling!!!!! I hope to see you quickly and think about my proposition to come in my house for the next holidays!! It will be a good moment if you come!!

I kiss you a lot and I hope that you can come in Grenoble because I want to have great time with you!!!


x x x x x x x x x x x x  I LOVE YOU!!! KISSES!!!!!!

Bye Bye !!!!!!

mercredi 23 mars 2011

Never give up

I talking to you about a man who crosses La Manche with an handicap.

His name is Stéphane Lorenzo, he isn't a famous people but he is the first French man handicaped, with only one leg, to cross La Manche swimming.
Stéphane achieved this exploit, on August 2010, sixteen hours with no stop to swim in a water in 16°C to do more than 60 kilometers, from Dover in England to Calais in France.
He does this because he wants to prove that he's able to do this like a valid person. He says that the fact to be born with this handicap, without thighbone in the left leg, does not make him handicaped literally. He wants to prove to his family and his friends that he's able to do the same things as them and more still. To realize this challenge, Stéphane trained and adapted to his handicap.
It was a dream for him to cross La Manche and he makes a success to realize it by thinking of his children and people who helped him before.
I find that this man is brave and I think that the handicap of a person doesn't have to be an obstacle to the dreams of each.

Finally, I think that to have an handicap it's not easy but they are persons like the others and they have the same capacities and the same rights like the other persons.

jeudi 17 mars 2011

Cool place to hang out in Grenoble

          I like Grenoble, it's a beautiful city where there are many mountains and that it's good if you like going to ski!! Me, I love the snow but I don't like do ski!! 

          You can also walk in these mountain, the most walk known is to go to the Bastille but you can also take the cable railway. It depend if you like walk or not. But even if you like walking, I advice to you to take "les bulles" as we call theme here, you can take advantages of way to see the view of Grenoble and when you'll arrive at the top, you will see a view magificent!!

          For lunch, my friend has known to me a restaurant which I like!! You can eat specialities of the region like the Gratin dauphinois and the slice of bread warm which are delicious!! This restaurant is called Mémé Paulette. I like going in this restaurant because the dishes are very good and also because it's not too expensive!!!! 

           I hope that this place to visited will like to you and you have fun time in Grenoble!!!!